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Bucharest: / 0723.743.878 / 0745.476.693 / 0767.683.389
CATERING PROGRAM Monday-Sunday: 10:30-23:30
RESTAURANT PROGRAM Monday-Sunday: 12:00-00:00
Shipping free in
Bucharest and Ilfov
Minimum order Bucharest is 47 lei
Minimum order Ilfov is 87 lei
see map

Beef / 20

5 flavors beef tripe
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
5 flavors beef tripe Mancare chinezeasca Burta de vita cu 5 arome
5 flavors beef tripe

beef tripe, garlic, soy sauce, Chinese spice, salt

34,00 Lei / 320 g
Spicy boiled beef tripe
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Spicy boiled beef tripe Mancare chinezeasca Burta de vita fiarta iute
Spicy boiled beef tripe

beef tripe, Chinese vegetables, mushrooms, celery, pepper, hot sauce, salt, hot paprika

37,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef tripe in Sichuan sauce
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef tripe in Sichuan sauce Mancare chinezeasca Burta de vita in sos Sichuan
Beef tripe in Sichuan sauce

beef tripe, chilies, onion, vegetables, hot sauce, Chinese spice, soy sauce, salt

37,00 Lei / 350 g
5 flavors beef
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
5 flavors beef Mancare chinezeasca Vita 5 arome
5 flavors beef

beef, onion, garlic, spices, chinese, soy sauce, pepper oil

38,00 Lei / 220 g
Beef with bell pepper
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with bell pepper Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu ardei gras
Beef with bell pepper

beef, pepper, soy sauce, salt, Chinese salt

35,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef with chili pepper
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with chili pepper Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu ardei iute
Beef with chili pepper

beef, pepper, soy sauce, salt, Chinese salt, Chinese spices

35,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef with beer
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with beer Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu bere
Beef with beer

beef, onions, bamboo, mushrooms, beer, salt, chinese spices, hot sauce

38,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef with fried onions
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with fried onions Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu ceapa prajita
Beef with fried onions

beef, onion, soy sauce, salt, Chinese salt

35,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef with tomatoes
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with tomatoes Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu rosii
Beef with tomatoes

beef leg, tomatoes, onions, vinegar, salt

35,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef with oyster
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with oyster Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu stridie
Beef with oyster

beef, bell pepper, onion, bamboo, oyster sauce, salt, sesame oil

37,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef with celery
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with celery Mancare chinezeasca Vita cu telina
Beef with celery

beef, celery, carrots, soy sauce, salt, hot sauce

37,00 Lei / 350 g
Gan Bian beef
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Gan Bian beef Mancare chinezeasca Vita Gan Bian
Gan Bian beef

beef, pepperoni, bell pepper, carrot, onion, sesame, hot sauce, salt, sesame oil

38,00 Lei / 320 g
Beef in Chinese sauce
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef in Chinese sauce Mancare chinezeasca Vita in sos chinezesc
Beef in Chinese sauce

beef, bamboo, carrots, onions, mushrooms, soy sauce, salt

38,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef straws with flavorful tomato sauce
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef straws with flavorful tomato sauce Mancare chinezeasca Vita pai cu sos de rosii aromate
Beef straws with flavorful tomato sauce

beef, tomatoes, salt, pepper, Chinese spices

35,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef on hotplate
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef on hotplate Mancare chinezeasca Vita pe plita incinsa
Beef on hotplate

beef, carrots, mushrooms, onions, sauce for hotplate

35,00 Lei / 350 g
Beef Skewers
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef Skewers Mancare chinezeasca Frigarui de vita
Beef Skewers

beef, bell pepper, onion, cayenne pepper, cumin, wine, salt

35,00 Lei / 200 g
Beef with condiments on hot plank iron
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Beef with condiments on hot plank iron Mancare chinezeasca Vita condimentata
Beef with condiments on hot plank iron

beef, garlic, onion, ginger, hot sauce, Chinese spices, paprika, oil

38,00 Lei / 320 g
Chinese Pie with Beef
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Chinese Pie with Beef Mancare chinezeasca Chinese Pie cu Vita
Chinese Pie with Beef

beef, chinese spices, soy sauce, onion, carrot, flour, salt, oil

25,00 Lei / 1 pcs
Temple Roll with Beef
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Temple Roll with Beef Mancare chinezeasca Ruloul Templului cu Vita
Temple Roll with Beef
25,00 Lei / 1 pcs
Vita three elements
a fost adaugat
la comanda dvs.
Vita three elements Mancare chinezeasca Vita trei elemente
Vita three elements

beef, bread crumbs, onion, pepper, spices, vegetables, salt, oil

35,00 Lei / 300 g
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