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0 produse / 0 lei
Bucharest: / 0723.743.878 / 0745.476.693 / 0767.683.389
CATERING PROGRAM Monday-Sunday: 10:30-23:30
RESTAURANT PROGRAM Monday-Sunday: 12:00-00:00
Shipping free in
Bucharest and Ilfov
Minimum order Bucharest is 47 lei
Minimum order Ilfov is 87 lei
see map


Temple of the Sun - TIAN FU in the phonetic transcription of the Chinese language - is a traditional name from Sichuan which means "House of Heaven", the place where we find wealth and supreme happiness. In Sichuan this metaphor is attributed to restaurants that offer the richest culinary varieties. In the universe of exquisite Chinese culinary art, the Sichuan cuisine has a special place due to the diversity of products (form, taste, colors), which explains why it is appreciated all over the world. It can be said that the presence of Chinese restaurants in all major cities of the world is not fashion anymore, it became part of normality. And that's a good thing. But, cooking is not just about preparing food. It should be viewed as a support, as a challenge for a certain state of mind, which, regretfully, is increasingly diluted. A restaurant, regardless of its specific feature, and even more the “House of Heaven”, must be a special place and not a mere cafeteria where food is consumed mechanically. For these purpose, we wanted the chain of "Temple of the Sun" restaurants to become the place where each of us can detach from the daily stress, the place where the harmony between facts, thoughts and words is not hindered by the unnatural of the daily routine.

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